
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Worked on left wing skeleton: 9.2 hours

I started out by drilling holes for the plate nuts that will hold the in-wing landing lights. These lights go in the leading edge at the last bay before the wing tip. I'm planning on using LED's but I will just be installing the mounts for now.

After that I attached the leading edge ribs to the forward spar and match drilled them. Then I attached the main ribs to the front and rear spar and match drilled them.

I then disassembled everything and started deburring and prepping parts for priming. I got the spars and the leading edge ribs ready. I also started working on the main ribs but I still have quite a few to do.

Leading edge ribs. (The inboard part of the leading edge is made up of the fuel tank.)

Match drilling the ribs to the front spar:

Main wing skeleton, ready to match drill rear spar.