
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Started on left rear spar: 9 hours

I got the left rear spar all the way to the point of riveting.

There was a fair amount of time spent reviewing the plans and researching techniques online. I think the right rear spar will go a bit faster.

I did all the edge finishing on the rea spar components, then I match drilled all the doublers to the rear spar. After I made some modifications (grinding) to the pneumatic squeezer I was able to dimple the appropriate holes on the rear spar and doublers. Then I scuffed and cleaned everything. Then primed all pieces. Tomorrow I will rivet it all together.


Edge finishing the rear spar pieces:

Making the clearance hole for the aileron pushrod in one of the doublers (the Dremel has been indispensable)

Match drilling the inboard spar doublers: