
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Worked on wing stand: 1 hour

Cut a few pieces for the support arms.


Lots of hardware for the adjustable arms:



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Worked on wing stand: 5 hours

Came up with a plan for building my wing construction stands in the garage. Then I went out to Home Depot and Ace Hardware for materials.

I got the wood support post assembled and installed. For the other end of the support I will use an existing steel column.


Support post:



Saturday, November 24, 2012

Worked on left wing skeleton: 9.2 hours

I started out by drilling holes for the plate nuts that will hold the in-wing landing lights. These lights go in the leading edge at the last bay before the wing tip. I'm planning on using LED's but I will just be installing the mounts for now.

After that I attached the leading edge ribs to the forward spar and match drilled them. Then I attached the main ribs to the front and rear spar and match drilled them.

I then disassembled everything and started deburring and prepping parts for priming. I got the spars and the leading edge ribs ready. I also started working on the main ribs but I still have quite a few to do.

Leading edge ribs. (The inboard part of the leading edge is made up of the fuel tank.)

Match drilling the ribs to the front spar:

Main wing skeleton, ready to match drill rear spar.

Friday, November 23, 2012

More rib prep: 2.5 hours

Finished fluting left wing ribs.

Located and drilled holes for electrical conduit, and snap bushings for pitot line, aoa line and antenna cables.


Transferring pilot holes rib to rib.

The large hole is for the flexible conduit and the 3 small ones are for aoa, antenna and pitot lines.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Left wing rib prep: 5.1 hours

Smoothed all the edges on the left wing ribs. I also started straightening the flanges and fluting the ribs.


Rib flange straightener in action:

Straightened and fluted ribs:


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Worked on right rear spar: 2.7 hours

Got the right rear spar prepped and primed. Now ready to rivet. Definitely went faster than the left.


Priming done.

Ready to rivet.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Finished left rear spar prep, started on right: 6.4 hours

Riveted all left rear spar components together. I had a two tricky rivets that had to be redone but everything else went well.

After that I started prepping the rear spar components.


Riveting the aileron bracket doubler:

Inboard spar doublers (extra holes are where ribs and other parts are riveted during assembly):

Ready to trim right rear spar doublers:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Started on left rear spar: 9 hours

I got the left rear spar all the way to the point of riveting.

There was a fair amount of time spent reviewing the plans and researching techniques online. I think the right rear spar will go a bit faster.

I did all the edge finishing on the rea spar components, then I match drilled all the doublers to the rear spar. After I made some modifications (grinding) to the pneumatic squeezer I was able to dimple the appropriate holes on the rear spar and doublers. Then I scuffed and cleaned everything. Then primed all pieces. Tomorrow I will rivet it all together.


Edge finishing the rear spar pieces:

Making the clearance hole for the aileron pushrod in one of the doublers (the Dremel has been indispensable)

Match drilling the inboard spar doublers:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finished tie down assemblies and attached to spars: 3.2 hours

Riveted the spacers and nut plates to the tie down brackets then bolted them and the aileron bell rank brackets to the spars.


Competed tie down assembly:

Aileron bell crank brackets:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Worked on wing tie down brackets: 6 hours

Worked on match drilling the tie down brackets. This took a while due to lining up and drilling through the spacers.

I also drilled the spacers and tie downs for the plate nut rivets. Then I primed the tie down blocks.

Tie down bracket with removable stainless tie down ring:

Tie down spacers: