
Thursday, December 1, 2016

More prep and initial wing mounting: 4 hours

  • Finished preparing for wing mounting by removing the ailerons and flaps from the wings.
  • Also organized tools and parts need for wing mounting
  • Britt and I moved the wings from the basement to the garage and put them on pads
  • We started with the left wing and the process went very smoothly. It took maybe 10 minutes to figure out the correct position and dihedral to get the temporary wing pins to go in. We did find the adjustable shop stool to be very handy to support the wing during this process.
  • I measured the fuselage to left wing gap then trimmed the right wing fuel line.
  • The right wing mounting went very quickly

Both wings on - looks more airplane like!

Trimming the right fuel line:

A good bit of grease and the rubber mallet made it easy:

Left wing on!

Right wing in position:

Left wing ready:

The pad made it easy to protect the wing: