
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Avionics configuration: 2 hours

  • The garage was cold but with the seat heater on it was comfortable configuring the avionics!
  • I set up the remote audio panel. I also plugged in my old (20+ years) David Clark headset and tested the pilot audio including the bluetooth connection from my iphone to listen to music and make a call - very cool!
  • I also set up the Arinc and RS-232 connections for the GTN 650. 
  • I spent some time arranging the layout and getting familiar with the G3X displays.
  • I did have one issue with the GTN 650 where constant static was audible. It was like the squelch was not set correctly. I set the squelch and sidetone according to VAF recommendations and still had the noise. More research revealed that the fluorescent / led lights I have in the garage might be the cause of the noise. Switching off the lights = no noise in the headphones. Problem solved! 
  • One negative issue I found is that the left inner knob on my smaller G3X MFD display is not working correctly. I have contacted garmin and will wait for feedback.

Audio panel phone / media page (great for cross country flights!)