- Riveted sub-panel to canopy deck - used a combination of msp-42 pull rivets and driven rivets
- Riveted ribs to firewall - used hand squeezer and rivet gun
- Installed firewall sensor manifold - this will hold transducers for oil, fuel and manifold pressure.
- Installed mounts for VPX ECB (electronic circuit breaker) and EFII ignition computers - these mounts were fabricated from aluminum angle and also help to stiffen up the sub-panel structure
- Installed mounts on to remote transponder tray then installed the assembly including the GTX-33 transponder
- Installed the dual GSU-25 ADAHRS computers (air data attitude heading reference system!) - the combination of the sub-panel doubler and the transponder mounts make this side of the sub-panel very stiff which is what you want for the ADAHRS units.
- Installed the GDL-39R ADS-B receiver.
- I was going to mount the VPX unit but first I will need to make a standoff to keep one of the right brake lines from rubbing on it.
Sub-panel with ADAHRS (left), GTX-33 (lower left), GDL-39R (right) and VPX (lower right):
Electronic ignition computer and VPX ECB mounts:
GTX-33 transponder tray mounted:
Transponder tray in progress:
Sensor manifold:
Riveting in progress: