- Installed EFII engine computers using some cap head screws I ordered from Aircraft Spruce. The units are stacked so I added a washer in between the two to allow for a little airflow. I'm just using these units for ignition but they are also capable of electronic fuel injection if I want to upgrade down the road.
- Installed the following components: EFII manifold pressure sensors, GEA-24 Garmin engine interface module (EGT, CHT, fuel flow, pressures, etc), GAD-29 Garmin arinc 429 interface (let's the GTN-650 navigator talk to the G3X Touch system), and the GMA-245R Garmin remote audio panel.
- Fabricated a standoff for the right co-pilot brake reservoir line.
- Primed and installed standoff and adel clamp for brake line
- Installed VPX pro
- Started working on wire / tube routing. I ran the pitot, static and aoa pneumatic lines up to the adahrs. I also ran the adsb antenna coax and the right headset wiring up to the sub-panel.
Pitot, aoa, static lines coming out the left side of the sub-panel, on the right is the right headset wiring and the adsb coax. (The GTN-650 tray is temporarily there to check wire clearance.)
VPX Pro now has plenty of clearance:
Standoff with brake line in adel clamp:
Standoff ready to install:
Sub-panel progress (left silver box is GMA-245R remote audio panel, right silver box is GAD-29 arinc interface):
Small black boxes are manifold pressure sensors, silver box is GEA-24 engine interface:
Dual EFII engine computers installed: