
Monday, August 28, 2017

Riveted forward fuselage structure, started installing avionics: 5 hours

  • Riveted sub-panel to canopy deck - used a combination of msp-42 pull rivets and driven rivets
  • Riveted ribs to firewall - used hand squeezer and rivet gun
  • Installed firewall sensor manifold - this will hold transducers for oil, fuel and manifold pressure.
  • Installed mounts for VPX ECB (electronic circuit breaker) and EFII ignition computers - these mounts were fabricated from aluminum angle and also help to stiffen up the sub-panel structure
  • Installed mounts on to remote transponder tray then installed the assembly including the GTX-33 transponder
  • Installed the dual GSU-25 ADAHRS computers (air data attitude heading reference system!) - the combination of the sub-panel doubler and the transponder mounts make this side of the sub-panel very stiff which is what you want for the ADAHRS units.
  • Installed the GDL-39R ADS-B receiver.
  • I was going to mount the VPX unit but first I will need to make a standoff to keep one of the right brake lines from rubbing on it.

Sub-panel with ADAHRS (left), GTX-33 (lower left), GDL-39R (right) and VPX (lower right):

Electronic ignition computer and VPX ECB mounts:

GTX-33 transponder tray mounted:

Transponder tray in progress:

Sensor manifold:

Riveting in progress:

Friday, August 25, 2017

Forward fuselage ribs and sub-panel riveting: 8 hours

  • Riveted all the nut plates and wire tie clips to the various pieces then riveted the ribs and panels together.
  • There were several difficult areas to rivet and several rivets had to be removed and re-done.
  • I installed a total of 38 nut plates and 26 wire clips. The nut plates are for mounting the avionics and avionics related structure.
  • I also put the sub-panel / rib assembly in the fuselage and now have a plan for riveting it in. After that I will start installing the avionics!

Sub-panel and ribs ready to rivet to the fuselage:

Getting there:

The center rib with the roll bar support angle was the most involved assembly:

A lot of rivets in the ADAHRS doubler:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Click Bond, oil cooler servo and started riveting: 6 hours

  • Prepped and installed about 14 Click Bond wire tie holders to help organize various wires and tubes running through the "tunnel" in the forward cockpit floor.
  • Fabricated a bracket to hold the cable that will control the oil cooler air valve. This will be installed in an extra rudder pedal mount hole.
  • Started riveting forward fuselage components.
  • Fabricated servo bracket for oil cooler air valve.
  • Installed servo bracket and cable guide.

Oil cooler servo and cable bracket in place:

Servo bracket finished:

Riveting adahrs doubler to subpanel:

Second round of Click Bond wire tie holders:

Cable bracket for oil cooler air valve:

First round of Click Bond wire tie holders:

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Priming and firewall forward work: 6 hours

The following work was done over several days:

  • Prepped and primed forward fuselage ribs and subpanel
  • Tested Perihelion servo controller for oil temp air valve
  • Figured out mounting location for oil temp servo in cockpit
  • Sealed firewall recess and lower corners of firewall with 3M Fire Farrier 2000+
  • Picked up battery boxes and windscreen roll bar parts from powder coater
  • Installed battery boxes on firewall

Gray substance is 3M Fire Barrier 2000+:

Powder coated battery boxes:

Priming in progress:

Mock up of oil temp control servo:

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Riveted firewall recess and installed rudder pedals / brake lines: 6 hours

The following items were done over several days:

  • Riveted firewall recess panel - this took a while but turned out well. There were a few tight spots for the rivet gun and the stainless is always difficult to work with.
  • Installed rudder / brake pedal assembly.
  • Installed Bonaco brake lines and elbow fittings. I used a small amount of Loctite 567 to seal the pipe thread fittings - as recommended on Vans Air Force forums.

Cabin brake lines installed:

Starting to install fittings:

Firewall recess riveted:

Starting on firewall recess:

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Firewall and forward fuselage: 4 hours

  • I installed the battery and start contactors. This took much more time than I thought because I realized that I had one of the battery contactors oriented incorrectly. 
  • To correct the install I had to make a new copper bus bar. I also tested all the contactors with a 12 volt battery. 
  • In preparation for installing the rudder pedals and brake lines I went ahead and riveted the rudder pedal brace.

Battery and start contactors installed:

Rudder pedal brace installed: