
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Countersunk trailing edge strip, more deburring etc: 4.8 hours

There is a lot of prep work on the rudder. Thankfully I finished all prep work other than dimpling the skins and priming everything. So just a few more hours and I should be riveting everything together.

I spent a fair amount of time today working on the rudder trailing edge. It will use a special "double flush" rivet technique and there is a strip between the skins that has to be countersunk. This seems to give a lot of builders trouble so I'm taking extra time with it.

There's a lot of hole drilling. To keep everything straight I bought a piece of aluminum angle and match drilled it to the trailing edge wedge. Before the riveting is done I will bond the railing edge with epoxy (per the plans) with the rudder attached (with clecos) to the angle then carefully rivet so as not to introduce a bend in the thin trailing edge.

Match drilling the aluminum angle straight edge:

Fitting the lead rudder counterweight:

Rudder parts dimpled and ready for priming!