
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cockpit and wiring: 3 hours

  • Started drilling some additional wiring pass through holes in the fuselage floor to accommodate the wiring that will go out to the wings.
  • Drilling the inner wiring holes through the floor ribs is tricky and requires the angle drill.
  • I opened up the holes slightly then used some e6000 to glue the engine control label placard to the control bracket. 

Engine control cables in place to hold the label placard on:

The placard turned out nice:

One fuselage floor rib wiring hole complete:

The left and right wiring pass throughs are new:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

ADAHARS plumbing and misc avionics: 8 hours

The following items were done over several days. We lost power on Tuesday and Wednesday due to Hurricane Irma.

  • Crimped on coax antenna connectors for ADSB receiver, transponder, GTN-650 communication radio, and one end of the GTN-650 nav receiver. I need to drill some holes before I can run the nav antenna cable to the left wing root. I also spent a good deal of time planning wiring runs.
  • Finished ADAHRS plumbing using a combination of Safeair1 and Steinair pneumatic connectors.
  • Installed about 16 click-bond wire tie anchors in the area under the seats for routing wires and securing connectors near the wing roots.
  • Used some click-bond acrylic adhesive to bond on two terminal blocks (10 positions total) for connecting stick grip wiring. 
  • I started working with the instrument panel label placards - there are a few I have that are only held in place by one switch or button so in order to keep them from rotating I bonded them on with a tiny amount of e6000 adhesive.

GDL-39R (adsb-in) antenna connection:

Remote transponder antenna connection:

Nav and comm antenna connections to GTN-650 tray:

More click-bonds bonding:

ADAHRS plumbing (orange plug is for line going to alt static switch on instrument panel):

Tungsten bucking bar holding down terminal blocks while click-bond adhesive cures:

Misc: I glued on this little rubber channel to protect the angle brace in the cabin:

Placards being glued in place (fuel fittings are just there to keep everything tight):

Glued down emer static placard:

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Installed sub-panel avionics and worked on wiring: 4 hours

  • Installed EFII engine computers using some cap head screws I ordered from Aircraft Spruce. The units are stacked so I added a washer in between the two to allow for a little airflow. I'm just using these units for ignition but they are also capable of electronic fuel injection if I want to upgrade down the road.
  • Installed the following components: EFII manifold pressure sensors, GEA-24 Garmin engine interface module (EGT, CHT, fuel flow, pressures, etc), GAD-29 Garmin arinc 429 interface (let's the GTN-650 navigator talk to the G3X Touch system), and the GMA-245R Garmin remote audio panel.
  • Fabricated a standoff for the right co-pilot brake reservoir line.
  • Primed and installed standoff and adel clamp for brake line
  • Installed VPX pro
  • Started working on wire / tube routing. I ran the pitot, static and aoa pneumatic lines up to the adahrs. I also ran the adsb antenna coax and the right headset wiring up to the sub-panel.

Pitot, aoa, static lines coming out the left side of the sub-panel, on the right is the right headset wiring and the adsb coax. (The GTN-650 tray is temporarily there to check wire clearance.)

VPX Pro now has plenty of clearance:

Standoff with brake line in adel clamp:

Standoff ready to install:

Sub-panel progress (left silver box is GMA-245R remote audio panel, right silver box is GAD-29 arinc interface):

Small black boxes are manifold pressure sensors, silver box is GEA-24 engine interface:

Dual EFII engine computers installed: