
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

More stick grips and instrument panel: 7 hours

  • Drilled holes for stick grip retaining screws in both sticks
  • Test fit G3X touch units in panel
  • Mocked up engine controls on bench. I ended up liking 2.5" spacing between controls.
  • Cut engine control bracket down to 8" and drilled holes for engine controls.
  • Drilled engine bracket for plate nuts and bracket to instrument panel
  • Drilled instrument panel for garmin nut plate brackets
  • Cut down Garmin nut plate brackets to individual plate nuts
  • Riveted Garmin nut plates to panel and riveted 2 more plate nuts that will secure the vent bracket

Back of instrument panel with plate nuts installed:

Garmin nut plate brackets in place to drill for rivets:

Drilling engine control bracket to instrument panel:

Mocking up engine controls to check spacing - 2.5" on center was good for me.

Test fit of G3X Touch units:

Cut down right control stick with grip and retaining screw: