
Friday, February 22, 2013

Finished aileron brackets, gap seal, started aileron: 4.6 hours

I used the rivet gun to do the remaining bracket to spar rivets. Then I riveted the outboard bracket to the wing rib using the squeezer and gun. Definitely some tricky riveting. I had to redo one rivet.

Next I attached the aileron gap seal to the rear spar using the hand squeezer. It worked great and gave me an arm workout! I then riveted the gap seal to the wing skin using the pneumatic squeezer.

Finally I organized all the parts for the left aileron and started match drilling the aileron pieces.


Aileron brackets and gap seal.


Left aileron parts:


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Started riveting aileron brackets to wing: 1.7 hours

I did all the spar rivets I could reach with the hand squeezer on both brackets. I did have to redo one rivet where I used the wrong type. The hand squeezer worked very well.


Brackets attached:


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finished aileron brackets: 5.3 hours

I got the left aileron brackets riveted together. This took a while and had a few tricky rivets. In retrospect I would have used my hand rivet squeezer rather than the pneumatic one because it's much easier to control in awkward positions.

I also spent a lot of time getting the edges on the riveted brackets ground down for final fit on the rear wing spar. I also touched up the primer in the areas I had to shape.


Riveting the outboard bracket together:


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bent Aileron Skins: 1.1 hours

I was able to get the left and right aileron skins bent to final shape using the bending brake I borrowed from a fellow rv builder in the area.








Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Aileron mounts and gap seal: 3.2 hours

I got the aileron mount / brackets edge finished, match drilled, deburred and primed.

I also edge finished, deburred, dimpled and primed the aileron gap seal.


The aileron mounts are nice substantial pieces.


Match drilling the tip rib.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Riveted right aileron and worked on bending brake: 4 hours

I got all the stiffeners back riveted to the right aileron skin. Went quickly and very good results.

I spent a fair amount of time trying to construct a new bending brake for the aileron skins. This brake needs to be about 58" long. I have not had any luck finding off the shelf lumber that is straight enough to make a good brake out of.

I'm going to a local EAA meeting tomorrow night and I hope to get some suggestions there.

No pictures today.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Prepped right aileron parts: 3.5 hours

I got the right aileron skin and stiffeners ready to rivet.

This included: scuffing / edge finishing, dimpling, cleaning and priming.


All primed:


Friday, February 1, 2013

Finished top skin riveting: 4.5 hours

The top skins are all riveted to the left wing structure. Now I will be working on the ailerons, flaps and installing various items inside the wing.

I'm still waiting on the fuel tanks. Installing the tank will be the last thing to be done before riveting the bottom skin on.

The riveting on this last part went well except for a small ding near the wing tip where I let the bucking bar slip. If I weren't painting the airplane I would be more upset.


Finished left top skins!