
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Update for 4th quarter 2023:

A lot of good work accomplished. I'm slowly ticking off the seemingly endless details...

ELT on it's mounting plate.

Mounting plate complete.

Drilling ELT mounting plate to floor.

A friend from work who had sold his plane gave me a very nice switcheon unit that allows remote control of things like an engine pre heater from an app on your phone. Very nice.

Plate nuts installed for ELT mount.

ELT antenna installed.

ELT installed and tested. Color is a little different but everything will be covered with carpet.

ELT plug including very loud buzzer.

Roll servo installed and wiring connected.

Roll servo plug ... a lot of wires :)

Installed fuzzy velcro strip under the wing skin where the flap could contact it.

Working on hanging and fitting the flaps.

Programming the VPX pro for flap travel limits,

The small heater helped a lot.

Working on the flap fit.

Installing the Skybolt 1/4 turn fasteners in the bottom cowl.

Nice Christmas present from Paul!

Right aileron and roll servo all hooked up and aligned.

Starting on left wingtip.

Bonding nut plate reinforcement strips.

Archer wingtip nav / ils antenna installed.

I reinforced the wing tip by laying two layers of 3" fiberglass tape over 3/8" foam backer rod.

Left wing tip drilled to wing. Trailing edge may need some tweaking.