
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Update for first quarter 2023:

 The plane finally made it to the hangar in February!

Rear spar bolt with proper castellated nut:

Ego battery powered light with tripod works great:

Britt showing off the hangar warming present from our friends Frost and Robin:

All wing bolts installed and torqued!

Very motivating to have the wings on! Thanks for the help from Paul and Frost!

Very happy to have the plane at the hangar! Stressful, but it is insured!

Getting ready for the move:

Update from August through December 2022:

 I have been slack about updating the blog but the work on the RV-7 has been slowly continuing!

Slot for canopy lock:

Canopy lock with ground down lock tab:

Sealed the firewall penetrations with 3m fire barrier caulk:

Torqued and safety wired prop bolts:

Upper gear leg intersection fairings are done:

Sanded and primed spinner:

Cowl inlet baffles complete:

A lot of work to get the fairings looking good:

More work on the “endless” cowling:

Paul is always a good sport!