
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Firewall work and finishing oil cooler duct: 7 hours

  • More firewall planning and marking
  • Drilled firewall for mounting brake fluid reservoir
  • Drilled holes and fitted cable pass through's for the oil cooler airflow control and the engine alternate air intake control
  • Prepped, primed and painted oil cooler duct with Rustoleum high temperature paint

More detailed marking of firewall items and penetrations:

Drilled for brake fluid reservoir:

Control cable pass through's for oil cooler airflow and engine alternate air intake:

Oil cooler elbow painted with high temp paint:

Monday, June 19, 2017

Oil cooler duct and firewall: 8 hours

The following items were done over multiple days...

  • Did more sanding, filling and epoxy coating of oil cooler duct
  • Used flox mixture to get a better fit between oil cooler duct and oil cooler flanges
  • Drilled oil cooler duct for AN3 bolts also spent a fair amount of time carving out space for bolt heads on duct
  • Worked on planning location of firewall items and penetrations
  • Made copper bus bars to tie ANL fuses and battery / starter contactors together
ANL fuse holders and contactors:

Oil cooler duct with clear epoxy:

Filling gaps with flox:

Monday, June 5, 2017

Oil cooler duct and firewall layout: 4 hours

  • Coated oil cooler elbow duct with micro epoxy mix.
  • Did initial sanding on duct. This duct will be not be seen by anyone except during maintenance but I'm spending the extra time finishing it to practice my fiberglass technique.
  • I also spent a good bit of time refining the layout of firewall items and organizing the new steel fittings I ordered for the firewall.

After sanding with 80 grit:

Initial micro layer: