
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Worked on flight controls: 5.3 hours

I got started making preparations for mounting the various pieces of the flight controls that connect the two joysticks to the ailerons and elevator.

Several floor ribs need to be modified for proper clearance. This is a bit of a hassle because they are already installed.

I also worked on the bushing for the left joystick mount and installed a lot of snap bushings in the wing carry through structure.

Also a few random photos...

The blue marked area has to be cut / ground out.


One of our cats was working on his plane. He's farther along than me but I think mine will fly better...


A good looking RV-6 I saw at Palm Springs:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Finished with brake line bracket: 3 hours

Yesterday I started making a small doubler for where the brake lines pass though the firewall. Today I finished it and got it primed and riveted on. This is the first riveting I have done on the fuselage!

I also got the firewall recess dimpled.

The firewall recess is installed later in the process to allow access to the rudder pedals etc.

I also have some new parts that showed up and Christmas presents!


Brake line doubler:


Britt gave me a pair of Tosten stick grips for Christmas:


These are very nice units with trim switches and 4 other possible functions:


My new Garmin heated pitot / aoa tube showed up also. Very high quality item!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Started work on fuselage: 6 hours

I spent a significant amount of time going through the plans and manual for the fuselage. Van's doesn't provide a separate instruction set for the quick build fuselage. Their recommendation is to step through all the instructions and check off what has been done for familiarity.

I'm also using another builder's very detailed website as a reference.

The first thing I started on were some items on the firewall. The firewall is stainless steel and much harder to work with than aluminum.


Working on the firewall recess:


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Right flap hinge & misc: 2 hours

I installed a nut plate on the right flap for to use for retaining the flap hinge pins. I also trimmed an eyelet off the flap hinge to make room for the pins. I need to make some clips for the hinge pins then I will temporarily mount the flap on the wing for storage.

I spent some more time organizing the last of the loose parts for the fuselage.

No photos today.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Built fuselage stand and unpacked finishing kit crate: 4 hours

I made some legs that bolt onto the plywood that was in place in the spar carry through for shipping. I also built a tail stand. This setup puts the fuselage at a nice height to work on.

I also unpacked and sorted all the finishing kit parts. Hopefully it won't be too long before the parts start getting put to use.


Checking the fit...


Ready for the next stage:


Cowl storage in the loft:


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Moved right wing into basement, etc. 4 hours

I tied up a few loose ends with the right wing then Britt and I moved it into the basement for temporary storage.

I also started reorganizing the garage and basement for parts storage and prep to work on the fuselage.


Getting ready to move to the basement:


Lots of airplane parts:


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Finished right wing riveting: 6 hours

Right wing riveting finished!

I got the following done: finished riveting the outboard bottom skin, riveted the flap hinge on, prepped and riveted the access panel nut plates and trimmed the flap hinge to fit the hinge pins.




Riveting flap hinge:


Access panel nut plates:


Monday, December 2, 2013

Still more bottom skin riveting: 3 hours

More progress on the right outboard bottom skin. One more session and it should be done!


Only a little left...