
Friday, October 25, 2013

Drilled flap hinge: 4 hours

My brother Paul and I were able to the right flap assembly clamped in place, lined up and finally drilled the wing side of the flap hinge to the wing skin and flap brace.

This is one of the few operations in the building process where the builder is totally responsible for properly aligning the components. For this reason there is a lot if measuring, triple checking, etc.

Paul's help made he process go much quicker and more smoothly than the left flap (which I drilled solo).

I was also watching a friend's dog while they were out of town so we had some extra company in the shop.



Paul adding a cleco clamp to the wing:




Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Finished prep, ready to drill flap hinge: 8 hours

All the prep leading up to drilling the flap hinge is done. Prepping the flap brace took a lot of time because it required some trimming and bending to fit. After that it was all the normal edge finishing, deburring rivet holes, etc.


Other things accomplished: prepped outboard bottom right wing skin, trimmed flap hinge, match drilled flap brace to bottom wing skin, mounted everything to be ready to drill flap hinge.


Dimpling outboard bottom skin:


Match drilling flap brace:


Monday, October 14, 2013

Finished inboard skin prep: 1.3 hours

I got in a quick work session and managed to get the inboard wing skin prep done. I also got it clecoed in place.


Outboard skin next...



Thursday, October 10, 2013

Finished right aileron fitting, started skin prep: 3.7 hours

After a few more adjustments I had the aileron and push pull tubes all set up with the proper clearance and travel.

Once that was done I started deburring and prepping the inboard bottom wing skin.


Working on the skin:


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Took delivery of the engine!: 1.5 hours

My brand new Lycoming XIO-360 was waiting on me at the Fedex Freight terminal when I returned from training.

Britt helped me get the trailer ready then I drove to Mills River to pick it up.

The Fedex staff were very friendly and helpful. The engine box and pallet were in pristine condition. Loading up at Fedex was quick and easy with their forklift.

The drive would have made me a little nervous with the expensive engine but I had increased my insurance policy on the project a few days earlier to cover the engine.

Back at the house Britt and I very carefully unloaded the 350lb engine crate. Everything worked out great. Looking forward to hanging the engine this winter.


Arrived in great shape:


The garage is filling up!