
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cowl and BRS parachute fairings

Initial micro fill around oil door and added section of top cowling. I used another builders method of two wraps of silicone tape around the oil door to make space.

Bonding on the strike plates for the oil door latches with g-flex epoxy:

Hartwell latches riveted to oil door:

I used a mixture of flox and cabosil thicked epoxy to even out the mount of the very straight cowl flap in the very curvy cowl:

BRS parachute harness fairing after initial sanding of filler (g-flex epoxy with micro balloons):

BRS parachute fairing with E6000 adhesive curing. I also used a good number of flush 1/8 pull rivets.

Fairings curing before filler. (This job was more involved than I expected and Britt's help was crucial.)

Getting ready to glue / rivet fairings on. Harness held in place with very sticky double sided tape:

Another prep shot:

I primed the BRS fairings with Stewart ekopoxy. This was good practice but they have been sanded so much that I will have to prime them again on the plane.

Initial cut out for cowl flap:

Laying out the initial cut: