
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cowling work, oil temperature control, BRS parachute fairings and more...

Lower cowling after doing initial sanding of the new flanges around the inlets:

Lower cowling just after separation from the top cowl:

Layups in place on the inside of the cowlings:

Getting ready to layup the new flanges (where tape is):

BRS parachute harness fairings temporarily installed with clecos. Next step is more sanding then priming. Planning on attaching with G-flex epoxy.

Right side BRS fairings:

These fairings took a long time to line up. I could not have done it with out the help of my brother!

Tail fairing looking good after primer:

Oil door drilled for latches:

Coated tail fairing with a thin layer of epoxy to fill pin holes:

Cowling after epoxy micro mixture has cured. This gives the cowling a consistent gap with the spinner.

New oil temperature manual control. I'm happy to have switched to this from the RC servo. This method should never give a problem.

Spinner gap micro epoxy curing under mdf  to set gap with spinner: