
Friday, April 24, 2015

More vent brackets and GTN-650: 4.5 hours

  • Riveted vent brackets to fuselage skin
  • Made bracket for mounting GTN-650 tray to subpanel
  • Prepped and primed brackets for GTN-650
  • Riveted rear brackets to GTN-650 tray
  • Drilled holes for plate nuts in sub panel
  • Riveted plate nuts to aft GTN-650 brackets
  • Test fitted GTN-650
Riveting vent brackets to fuselage:

Vent and instrument panel brackets:

Fitting GTN-650 tray brackets:

Test fitting GTN-650 - looks good!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Instrument panel vents and Garmin GTN-650 tray: 7 hours

  • Made and fitted left vent bracket
  • Trimmed panel for left vent plate
  • Drilled instrument panel for vent bracket plate nuts
  • Edge finished instrument panel
  • Primed vent brackets and plates.
  • Clear coated brackets
  • Researched and experimented with ways to mount GTN-650 tray to instrument panel
  • Made and fitted brackets for GTN-650 tray ... very precise and involved
  • Marked and made rough cutout for GTN-650 in sub panel
GTN-650 fitting:

Sub panel cutout:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Instrument panel vent brackets: 3.5 hours

  • Worked on brackets for air vents and trimming panel for vents
Checking bracket fit with vent in place:

Instrument panel trimmed for vents:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Instrument panel and misc: 1.5 hours

  • Riveted 20 platenuts to brackets that will hold the instrument panel in place
  • Worked on fitting vent brackets
  • Organized parts for the "tip up / slider" modification to the canopy

These brackets will be riveted to the upper skin to secure the instrument panel:

Fitting left vent bracket:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Instrument panel: 2.2 hours

  • Edge finished, prepped, dimpled and countersinked various brackets
  • Primed and riveted brackets in place
Priming brackets:

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Instrument panel work and misc: 5 hours

  • Made and fitted upper instrument panel to skin brackets
  • Match drilled skin to brackets
  • Fitted and drilled rivet holes for lower side instrument panel brackets - took a long time
  • Drilled skin to firewall rivet holes using skin as a template
  • Removed upper skin - again

Drilling firewall edge:

Locating instrument panel brackets:

Upper instrument panel to skin brackets:

Skin drilled to firewall:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Instrument panel fitting: 4 hours

  • Finished shaping the brackets for the air vents, 12 volt power, cabin heat and alternate engine air controls.
  • Made 6 brackets for attaching the instrument panel
  • Primed a few spots then installed plate nuts for the panel on the upper forward ribs
  • Re-installed forward skin for fitting panel brackets
Lots of brackets: