
Friday, June 28, 2013

Finished riveting leading edge: 3 hours

I finished riveting the bottom of the right wing leading edge. It went very quickly.

Now I'm ready to finish prepping the main spar and start prepping the main ribs.



Finished spar countersinks and leading edge progress: 4 hours

All the hundreds of main spar countersinks are now finished!

I also got the top side of the leading edge riveted together so I'm half way done with it.


Many, many countersinks:


Leading edge in progress:


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More countersinking & started leading edge: 5.3 hours

Made progress countersinking the main spar and started riveting the leading edge together.

I also finished prepping the rear spar. It is ready except for a few touch ups on the primer.

No photos today.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Leading edge ready to be riveted: 5.8 hours

I finished prepping and priming the leading edge ribs then reassembled the leading edge in the cradle for riveting.

I also stripped the skins off the wing, removed the main ribs and started countersinking the main spar in preparation for skin riveting.


Leading edge ready to be riveted:


Taking the wing apart for prep work:


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Landing light and leading edge prep: 9 hours

I finished shaping the landing light lens and also drilled all holes to install it on the wing.

Then I disassembled the leading edge and prepped the skin: edge finish, deburr, scuff, dimple, clean and prime.

Then I worked no prepping the ribs and joint plate.


Fitting landing light lens:


Dimpling the leading edge skin:


Friday, June 14, 2013

Leading edge inboard rib and landing light: 7.2 hours

The work for this entry was carried out over three days 6/12-14.

The inboard rib on the leading edge has no pre punched holes and also has to be fitted with the joint plate for the fuel tank so getting it set up took some time.

I got the rib and joint plate lined up and match drilled with the skin.

The rest of the time was spent making the landing / taxi light cut out and drilling the mount holes for the landing light lens. I also started shaping the plexiglas lens for the light. My dremel oscillating cutter worked great on the lens. I will be using this tool to make the cuts on the canopy later.


Drilling the rib and joint plate:




Friday, June 7, 2013

Right wing match drilling: 5.7 hours

I finished match drilling all the rivet holes on the top and bottom of the wing. Then I attached the leading edge and match drilled all rivet holes on it.


Strapping down the leading edge:


Thursday, June 6, 2013

More progress on right wing: 7 hours

I got the wing walk doubler cut out and drilled.

I also clecoed all the skins, aside from the leading edge, onto the skeleton.

I was able to match drill the inboard top panel.

I should be able to get the rest of the rivet holes match drilled and start on the leading edge next work session.


Drilling the wing walk doubler - using the top skin as a pattern:


Bottom of right wing (citronella candle for Mosquitos!):


Top of right wing:


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Finished rib prep: 7.5 hours

I finished all the edge finishing, flange straightening, and fluting for all 20 right wing ribs. If the fuel tank weren't already done I would be doing a lot more prep work.

I also drilled holes for snap bushings for wiring in all the main ribs. I'm not putting any conduit in this wing but I have plenty of room for wiring runs need and one extra run for future expansion.

I also was able to get the spars and main ribs clecoed together on the stand. I also started match drilling the ribs to the spar.


It's very familiar and going together much faster than the left wing.




Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Worked on right wing ribs: 2.2 hours

Got started on the right wing by organizing all the ribs and starting on edge finishing / prep work.


A big serving of ribs...